Hai.... Sekejap je rase, dah nk kawen.. Haish... Berkawen dgn alam pekerjaan... Hehe... Tp bukannye tetap pun... Praktikal je baru.... Xpernah rasa, tp org ckp best. Lg best dari belajar. Ye ke? Aku ni PR da la lemah. Leh ke nk interact dgn orang2, client2... Aduh... Cuak pun ade gak nieh...
-hentam saje-
- Crappy Problem (29)
- fucktupfact (10)
- Old Blog Shiznit (9)
- sastera cawan (7)
- Thinking... Thinking... (9)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Interacting between conscious and subconscious
Monday, May 16, 2011
The Bro Code Introduction
quoted from Barney Stinson
"Whether we know it or not, each of us lives a life governed by internalized code of conduct. Some call it morality. Others call it religion. I call it "The Bro Code".
For centruies men have attempted to follow this code with no universal understading of what such an arrangment meant: Is it okay to hug a Bro? If i'm invited to a Bro's wedding, do I really have to bring a gift? Can i sleep with a Bro'ls sister, or mother, or both?
Now for the first time on paper, I have recorded the rules of social decorum that Bros have practiced since the dawn of man... if not before. The Bro Code previously existed only as an oral tradition (heh), so i have jouneyed the globe to piece together the transcribe the shattered fragments of The Bro Code, pausing only to flesh it out myself (double heh). While not intending to write a "Guide To Being A Bro" if men should treat it as such and pass this compendium of knowledge from one generation to the next, I have little doubt it would bring a tear to my eye. But not out of it. That would be a violation of Article 41: A Bro Never Cries.
It is my hope that, with a better understanding of The Bro Code, Bros the world over can put aside their differences and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. It is then, and only then, that we might work together as one to accomplish perhaps the most important challenge society faces-getting laid. Before late: without the sport inherent in trying to bang chicks, would men willingly have se for the sole purpose of producing smelly, screaming babies?
Centuries from now, when a Bro applies the rudiments of The Bro Code to score a three-boobed future chick, the only thanks i'll need is is the knowledge that I-in whatever small capcity-Bro'd him out...though if he could figure out how to bring me back to life, that would be pretty awesome, too."
Sunday, May 15, 2011
tak tau nk letak tajuk apa sbb dah bengang sgt ni.
bodoh! xreti pikir ke?! xkan aku nk tego ko depan2?! sedar la sikit ko tu sape, aku ni sape... kang kalau aku tego ko depan2 ckp aku kurang ajar plak. dah prangai mcm palat! aku tgk ko ni, gila ke ape aku pun xtau nk ckp. kadang2 tu aku rasa nk trajang je pun ade. mulut tu, xreti nk tutup ke??? bodoh! xreti wat la cara xreti. jgn blagak je bagus tp hakikatnye lg teruk dari bangsat! haiii..... manusia2.... perasan bagus xkena tempat....
ko ni kan, aku tgk, mcm alim sgt. pegi kuliah sana sini.. berkelab sana sini... agama pandai sgt lah? dgr ceramah mcm da xde hari esok.. tp perangai blagak hebat tu mcm ko sorang je betul kan? ko sorang je masuk syurga? aku kadang2 nk je ckp kat muka ko tu.... blajar agama tinggi mana pun tp dok cari alasan nk amalkan, baik xyah....
ko ni kan, aku tgk, mcm alim sgt. pegi kuliah sana sini.. berkelab sana sini... agama pandai sgt lah? dgr ceramah mcm da xde hari esok.. tp perangai blagak hebat tu mcm ko sorang je betul kan? ko sorang je masuk syurga? aku kadang2 nk je ckp kat muka ko tu.... blajar agama tinggi mana pun tp dok cari alasan nk amalkan, baik xyah....
Sunday, May 8, 2011
That is what you get when using a retarded PC like mine. I am totally fedup with this bullfuckshit. Owh god why the torment!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
butthurt over some spilled milk
Professional tips #1(for dummies)
-If you are really pissed at someone, don't be pissed at someone else for nothing.
-Just because you think your life is a Ferrari, don't go honking on others just to brag...
-Your life is never a Ferrari. Think about it. Realllllly think about it.... See?
-Butthurt only works while it is still fresh. Don't go BH on stale bread. Idiot-ism has its limits.
-Plus, you can never be butthurt over something happen in the stone-ages? Can you??
-If you are really pissed at someone, don't be pissed at someone else for nothing.
-Just because you think your life is a Ferrari, don't go honking on others just to brag...
-Your life is never a Ferrari. Think about it. Realllllly think about it.... See?
-Butthurt only works while it is still fresh. Don't go BH on stale bread. Idiot-ism has its limits.
-Plus, you can never be butthurt over something happen in the stone-ages? Can you??
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Random Shit
The Grooved Spheres
Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres. Origin unknown, these spheres measure approximately an inch or so in diameter, and some are etched with three parallel grooves running around the equator. Two types of spheres have been found: one is composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks of white; the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white substance. The kicker is that the rock in which they where found is Precambrian - and dated to 2.8 billion years old! Who made them and for what purpose is unknown.
dips! |
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Ok..... Maybe you'd tap one or two hottie.. |
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aduh..... this is just wrong.... seriously. this desperate???? c'mon.... |
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Nama pun pc zaman jepun. Bapak aku decide to pass it on till the next gen kot aku pun xtau la.. Aku dah byk kali ckp kat dia yg pc lembab macam menunggu kucing bertanduk 19. "Aku pakai dari dulu elok je, Ko tu yg xreti jaga barang.." Umm..... Ape je yg dia guna time on PC? Ms Word? Internet Explorer? Ms Excel? Kalau mcm tu guna Win98 pun still laju.... Aku maleh bertekak n panjang citer.. So tunggu je la aku beli PC sendiri pastu PC ni aku passing kat anak aku kalau aku ade anak... Kalau dia ckp PC ni lambat, aku nk ckp cmnie.. "Dulu abah kepada abah kepada abah kepada abah kepada abah pun pakai pc nie.... OK je...."
Monday, May 2, 2011
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Hidupku di compresskan di dalam satu post. |
Ok. Memandangkan aku da lame x update blog and mostly sbb aku xde masa n malas tp mungkin jgak sbb "xbrape nk ade" internet kat rumah sewa aku.. So skarang aku nk compilekan semua yg terjadi kat aku this past few weeks dlm satu post.
Presentation Finale
Bz gile aku time nieh. Crit session yg aku pegi hanyalah 2 kali. Hahaha. Memanglah aku xkan tunjuk crit form aku time present. hehehe... Tp alhamdulillah aaa aku sempat gak siap walaupun ada sedikit kekalutan berlaku pada sesi awal presentation. Bleh plak lecturer nk extend submission. Slalunye aku suka la.. Tp memandangkan aku da siap n xtdo malam aku tunggu nk present, memang la hangin gak aku time tu... Tp requirement aku hari tu pun xcukup gak... hehe... alaaa tp kire ok la aku siap semua drawing~! haha. yg xde model ngan sample board je.. heheh. Tp kire ok la aku puas ati gak la ngan ape yg aku wat... 1st time! eh x. 2nd time! 1st time hotel haritu. hehe~!
Escape attempt #1
Jantung aku dah berdegup kencang. "diorang tau ke x nie? aku da amik semua langkah berjaga2 nieh" aku berfikir dalam hati. Kalau tahu memang la mampos aku. Xsanggup aku weh~! Citernya? Kejap2.. Kena tahu dulu ape yg aku xsanggup kena... Diikat pada pagar rumah, menanti nasib yg akan menimpa diri.hahaha.. itulah yg member aku kena time bday dia. aku time tu tanpa memikirkan karma pun join skali upacara simbah air ashtray dan baling telur. haha.. tp aku xbaling la telur tu. ade 2 sebab. satu, aku xnk kotor dgn bau telur tu melekat kat aku. dua, aku xmakan telur so aku memang xleh bau langsung telur tu kalau x aku muntah.. huhu. hahaha... tp malam tu aku terkena gak tempias sket. Member aku gi baling tepung kat aku instead of the bday boy. huhu... seb bek sket... So hari2 berikutnya berlalu dengan biasa, smpailah aku mula detect something fishy. mula2 diorang nk tgk card matrix aku. utk "toyol" katanya. Aku mengambil langkah berjaga2 utk xbg. Selamat....
Hari semakin hampir dgn harijadi aku. Time nie barulah aku rasa nyesal take part dlm fiesta mlm harituh. aduh... Aku amik keputusan utk chiow balik rumah. Tanpa byk soal, diorang mcm letgo je.. Mcm xtau bday aku. hahhahah! selamat! Aku siap tukar bday dlm fb lg. takut diorang check. da sampai rumah... baru aku tukar balik bday aku(very2 wrong move mr.take it easy too much) hahahaha... kalau diorang nk wat pape pun, da lepas bday aku so it is against the rule.. kan???
Haha... I guess..
Hehehehe!! Owh?! FU!!!!!!!
Hahaha! Aku dirumah dgn hati yg gumbira... Tanpa ku sedar, msg masuk fon... Hahaha... Dari memberku yg kena mlm tu.. Msg dia membuatkan aku terkedu..."ko balik la lambat mane pun.. ko tetap kena" damn!!!! Long story short. I was never safe though i feel like it. aku da memang tahu. aku xmungkin terlepas. hahaha.. 25.4.2011. bukan bday aku pun. tp bday housemate aku. semua beria2 nk kenakan dia kecuali aku. sbb aku tahu. mungkin aku yg kena mlm nieh. dari ambiance mlm tu. aku dapat rasakan sesuatu yg xelok. tp aku tetap wat muka slamber... haha... member aku da kena ikat... hahahahaha! mungkin diorng ni da lupe kan???(xakan!!!) haha... time kat luar tgh ikat2 member aku.. aku lepak la dgn diorang.. then aku nk masuk rumah jap.. member aku jeling kat aku.. 0.0 what is that for????!!!! utk mengelakkan sesuatu xelok terjadi. aku pun decide memang time utk aku masuk dlm. huhu.. elok je aku nk masuk, ada orang peluk aku tiba2 dan kedengaran lagu yg paling aku benci.. "mana nk lari, mana kau nk sembunyi..." kim22222kkkkk!!!!!! dalam hati aku memaki2 diriku yg terleka sebentar.... haish.... the rest of this story is as u've imagined..
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there is a certain restriction i've put on this but diorang ignore srupe tu gak... shit! |
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arnab. punya taik. |
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air ashtray skali dgn isi2nya |
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soya basi. |
mix it up together dlm lautan sengsara... and... voilĂ !
(remember. aku kena ikat dan vulnerable so bear the pain with me)
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